DECENTER standardization activities

DECENTER has sub­mit­ted con­tri­bu­tions on stand­ard­iz­a­tion of Inter­net of Media Things (IoMT) which is a sub group of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11 (a.k.a. Motion Pic­ture eXpert Group – MPEG). IoMT is focus­sing on stand­ard­iz­a­tion of man­age­ment and con­trol of media-related AI such as object detec­tion or speech recog­ni­tion with the Read more…

Media processing technology with cloud-edge

A spe­cial ses­sion on KIBME (Korean Insti­tute of Broad­cast and Media Engin­eers) Sum­mer Con­fer­ence has been held to share the exper­i­ence and know­ledge acquired from DECENTER pro­ject. The Sum­mer Con­fer­ence of KIBME is held annu­ally to dis­cuss on vari­ous media tech­no­lo­gies, and this year’s Sum­mer Con­fer­ence has been held online Read more…

SNU at CVPR 2020

SNU, a mem­ber of the DECENTER con­sor­ti­um, had sub­mit­ted a paper ‘Gen­er­al­ized Product Quant­iz­a­tion Net­work for Semi-super­­vised Image Retriev­al’ on IEEE Con­fer­ence on Com­puter Vis­ion and Pat­tern Recog­ni­tion  2020 (CVPR 2020). CVPR is one of the top tier con­fer­ence in the field of com­puter vis­ion with accept­ance rate of 22%.  The paper Read more…

7th plenary meeting of the DECENTER project

The pro­ject is very much alive and act­ive! Due to epi­demi­olo­gic­al reas­ons around the world with the COVID-19 coronavir­us, we organ­ized a pro­ject meet­ing online between 8–9 June 2020. Based on our exper­i­ence from reg­u­lar tele­con­fer­ences, the meet­ing went smoothly and des­pite the great time dif­fer­ences of the par­ti­cipants, we Read more…

Tutorial at ICIN 2020

At the ICIN 2020 (23rd Con­fer­ence on Innov­a­tion in Clouds, Inter­net and Net­works) which takes place between Feb­ru­ary 24–27 in Par­is, Domen­ico Siracusa and Daniele San­toro from FBK will do a tutori­al in con­nec­tion with the DECENTER pro­ject: Dis­trib­ut­ing intel­li­gence through cloud-to-edge and decent­ral­ised tech­no­lo­gies.  Please see link for more inform­a­tion.

DECENTER 6th plenary meeting

The 6th DECENTER pro­ject meet­ing took place in Ljubljana from 11–13 Feb­ru­ary 2020. Dur­ing this meet­ing we agreed the detailed and final design of the DECENTER archi­tec­ture and its com­pon­ents. We man­aged to identi­fy key com­mon­al­it­ies among the use cases. Based on these designs, we are going to: con­tin­ue with Read more…

DECENTER 5th plenary meeting

The DECENTER pro­ject meet­ing took place in the peri­od from 22–24 Octo­ber 2019 in Gren­oble. In a very lively meet­ing, the part­ners dis­cussed the review­ers’ com­ments and sug­ges­tions and made decisions on how to address them. As a next step in the pro­cess, we are focused on elab­or­at­ing the use cases in the Read more…

DECENTER project first review

We just com­pleted the first review of the DECENTER pro­ject. “Over­all excel­lent work. Very ambi­tious pro­ject. Many aspects devel­op­ing.” were the com­ments from our review­ers. Of course, we are also thank­ful for their recom­mend­a­tions and guid­ance for our work in the upcom­ing peri­od!