SNU, a mem­ber of the DECENTER con­sor­ti­um, had submitted a paper ‘Gen­er­al­ized Product Quant­iz­a­tion Net­work for Semi-super­vised Image Retriev­al’ on IEEE Con­fer­ence on Com­puter Vis­ion and Pat­tern Recog­ni­tion  2020 (CVPR 2020).

CVPR is one of the top tier con­fer­ence in the field of com­puter vis­ion with accept­ance rate of 22%. 

The paper pro­poses a meth­od to learn AI mod­els at the edge of DECENTER plat­form by com­bin­ing super­vised learn­ing and unsu­per­vised learn­ing. The paper was presen­ted at the vir­tu­al con­fer­ence held from June 16 to 18, 2020.