7th plenary meeting of the DECENTER project

The pro­ject is very much alive and act­ive! Due to epi­demi­olo­gic­al reas­ons around the world with the COVID-19 coronavir­us, we organ­ized a pro­ject meet­ing online between 8–9 June 2020. Based on our exper­i­ence from reg­u­lar tele­con­fer­ences, the meet­ing went smoothly and des­pite the great time dif­fer­ences of the par­ti­cipants, we Read more…

DECENTER 6th plenary meeting

The 6th DECENTER pro­ject meet­ing took place in Ljubljana from 11–13 Feb­ru­ary 2020. Dur­ing this meet­ing we agreed the detailed and final design of the DECENTER archi­tec­ture and its com­pon­ents. We man­aged to identi­fy key com­mon­al­it­ies among the use cases. Based on these designs, we are going to: con­tin­ue with Read more…

Next project meeting

The DECENTER’s next pro­ject meet­ing is planned from Feb­ru­ary  11–13 2020, at the Fac­ulty of Com­puter and Inform­a­tion Sci­ence in Ljubljana, Slov­e­nia. The key focal point will be DECENTER archi­tec­ture.

DECENTER 5th plenary meeting

The DECENTER pro­ject meet­ing took place in the peri­od from 22–24 Octo­ber 2019 in Gren­oble. In a very lively meet­ing, the part­ners dis­cussed the review­ers’ com­ments and sug­ges­tions and made decisions on how to address them. As a next step in the pro­cess, we are focused on elab­or­at­ing the use cases in the Read more…

DECENTER project first review

We just com­pleted the first review of the DECENTER pro­ject. “Over­all excel­lent work. Very ambi­tious pro­ject. Many aspects devel­op­ing.” were the com­ments from our review­ers. Of course, we are also thank­ful for their recom­mend­a­tions and guid­ance for our work in the upcom­ing peri­od!

DECENTER 4th plenary meeting

The 4th plen­ary meet­ing of DECENTER pro­ject was held in Jeju island from 18th to 20th, June, 2019. Part­ners from EU and Korea share achieve­ments of the first year of the pro­ject. Those includes design and imple­ment­a­tion of the fog plat­form and the AI meth­ods and solu­tions on the fog Read more…

DECENTER 3rd plenary meeting

The third plen­ary meet­ing of the DECENTER pro­ject is organ­ised by ATOS in the town of Santa Cruz on the beau­ti­ful island of Ten­erife. The pro­ject part­ners intend to spend three days from 22–24 Janu­ary 2019 in dis­cus­sions and detailed plan­ning of pro­ject tasks. Major items on the agenda include the busi­ness plans for Read more…

Upcoming event

The DECENTER’s next face-to-face pro­ject meet­ing is planned from Octo­ber 10–12, 2018, at the EL Tower in Seoul, Korea. The meet­ing will be co-loc­ated with the 3rd Korea-EU Joint Calls Con­fer­ence 2018. At the event we shall net­work with rep­res­ent­at­ives of European and Korean SMEs, large organ­isa­tions, cit­ies, com­munit­ies, research Read more…

Kick-off meeting in Trento

The DECENTER pro­ject offi­cially star­ted on 2 July 2018. Fol­low­ing a month of intens­ive pre­par­a­tions, a kick-off meet­ing was held at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, Italy. Our coordin­at­or Dr. Domen­ico Siracusa warmly wel­comed rep­res­ent­at­ives from all the part­ners from Europe and Korea. The pro­ject meet­ing was con­cise and decis­ive. All Read more…