SNU at CVPR 2020

SNU, a mem­ber of the DECENTER con­sor­ti­um, had sub­mit­ted a paper ‘Gen­er­al­ized Product Quant­iz­a­tion Net­work for Semi-super­­vised Image Retriev­al’ on IEEE Con­fer­ence on Com­puter Vis­ion and Pat­tern Recog­ni­tion  2020 (CVPR 2020). CVPR is one of the top tier con­fer­ence in the field of com­puter vis­ion with accept­ance rate of 22%.  The paper Read more…

7th plenary meeting of the DECENTER project

The pro­ject is very much alive and act­ive! Due to epi­demi­olo­gic­al reas­ons around the world with the COVID-19 coronavir­us, we organ­ized a pro­ject meet­ing online between 8–9 June 2020. Based on our exper­i­ence from reg­u­lar tele­con­fer­ences, the meet­ing went smoothly and des­pite the great time dif­fer­ences of the par­ti­cipants, we Read more…