DECENTER 4th plenary meeting

The 4th plen­ary meet­ing of DECENTER pro­ject was held in Jeju island from 18th to 20th, June, 2019. Part­ners from EU and Korea share achieve­ments of the first year of the pro­ject. Those includes design and imple­ment­a­tion of the fog plat­form and the AI meth­ods and solu­tions on the fog Read more…

DECENTER 3rd plenary meeting

The third plen­ary meet­ing of the DECENTER pro­ject is organ­ised by ATOS in the town of Santa Cruz on the beau­ti­ful island of Ten­erife. The pro­ject part­ners intend to spend three days from 22–24 Janu­ary 2019 in dis­cus­sions and detailed plan­ning of pro­ject tasks. Major items on the agenda include the busi­ness plans for Read more…

Cloud/AI Session at the 3rd Korea-EU Coordinated Calls R&D Conference 2018

The Cloud/AI Ses­sion took place on Octo­ber 12, 2018 at the 3rd Korea-EU Coordin­ated Calls and R&D Con­fer­ence. The DECENTER pro­ject coordin­at­or dr. Domen­ico Siracusa star­ted the ses­sion by intro­du­cing the DECENTER pro­ject, the main chal­lenges, concept, tech­nic­al approach, key innov­a­tions, bene­fits and use cases. Prof. Vlado Stankovski (Uni­ver­sity of Read more…

Developing smart environments

One of the main goals of our pro­ject is to deliv­er a new archi­tec­ture and a Fog com­put­ing plat­form that would be used to devel­op smart applic­a­tions and envir­on­ments. Our applic­a­tion scen­ari­os are very chal­len­ging and require the use of sensor and video-streams in order to pro­cess data by Arti­fi­cial Read more…

Aircraft with banner DECENTER logo


We are happy to announce the start of our new col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject. We intend to integ­rate a broad spec­trum of tech­no­lo­gies includ­ing Inter­net of Things, Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence, Cloud, Edge, Fog, Smart Con­tracts, and last, but not the least, Block­chain. Our integ­rated Fog Com­put­ing Plat­form will facil­it­ate advanced smart applic­a­tions and Read more…