DECENTER news release in ETNews

An art­icle about DECENTER has been pub­lished in a few Korean news­pa­pers recently. It presents out­come of inter­na­tion­al col­lab­or­a­tion between KETI, Robotik and FBK for the imple­ment­a­tion of one of the DECENTER use cases – the smart logist­ics robots. DECENTER 과제의 다국간 협력 경과에 대한 기사가 3월 15일자로 보도되었습니다. 이는 스마트 Read more…

Presentations from The Global Smart City Trends

UTA (Urb­an Tech­no­logy Alli­ance) has just pub­lished the video replays of The Glob­al Smart City Trends vir­tu­al event that was held from Decem­ber 8th to 11th 2020. You are invited to watch video present­a­tions from the online event, includ­ing the DECENTER present­a­tion by Domen­ico Siracusa: Dis­trib­uted AI with­in the Cloud Things-to-Cloud con­tinuum.


Kenty­ou, part­ner in DECENTER, will be present at CES 2021 with a digit­al booth. CES is a world-fam­ous annu­al trade show of con­sumer elec­tron­ics and digit­al innov­a­tions usu­ally held in Las Vegas, that trans­formed into a digit­al event due to COVID-19. The event will gath­er more than 1800 exhib­it­ors and Read more…

DECENTER at the H-CLOUD Summit 2020

DECENTER presents its approach to Qual­ity of Ser­vice at the H-CLOUD Sum­mit 2020 Tomor­row the Hori­zon Cloud Sum­mit 2020 starts! The event (agenda) aims at gath­er­ing research­ers and innov­at­ors, Cloud stake­hold­ers, as well as Cloud ini­ti­at­ives and pro­jects to be on top of the rel­ev­ant tech­no­logy and mar­ket devel­op­ments. We are Read more…

DECENTER at the 2020 Korea-EU Joint R&D Conference

Today, Dr. Seung­woo Kum, the Korean coordin­at­or of the DECENTER pro­ject, presen­ted our ideas and out­comes at the 2020 Korea-EU Joint R&D Con­fer­ence, giv­ing a talk entitled “Decent­ral­ised cloud tech­no­lo­gies for edge/IoT integ­ra­tion in sup­port of AI applic­a­tions”. This import­ant inter­con­tin­ent­al event gave us the oppor­tun­ity to inter­act with rel­ev­ant Read more…