DECENTER presents its approach to Quality of Service at the H-CLOUD Summit 2020

Tomor­row the Hori­zon Cloud Sum­mit 2020 starts! The event (agenda) aims at gath­er­ing research­ers and innov­at­ors, Cloud stake­hold­ers, as well as Cloud ini­ti­at­ives and pro­jects to be on top of the rel­ev­ant tech­no­logy and mar­ket devel­op­ments.

We are glad to announce the par­ti­cip­a­tion of the DECENTER pro­ject to this amaz­ing event: our coordin­at­or, Dr. Domen­ico Siracusa, will give a talk at the Qual­ity of ser­vice for edge-to-Cloud con­tinuum work­shop organ­ised by the EU PLEDGER pro­ject and will be part of the pan­el dis­cus­sion.

Domen­ico will present the DECENTER approach to the man­age­ment of (fed­er­ated) resources that enables QoS-effect­ive orches­tra­tion of work­loads, any­where at any­time, over geo­graph­ic­ally dis­trib­uted cloud-to-edge deploy­ments.

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