Kenty­ou, part­ner in DECENTER, will be present at CES 2021 with a digit­al booth. CES is a world-fam­ous annu­al trade show of con­sumer elec­tron­ics and digit­al innov­a­tions usu­ally held in Las Vegas, that trans­formed into a digit­al event due to COVID-19.

The event will gath­er more than 1800 exhib­it­ors and fea­ture a hun­dred of con­fer­ence ses­sions from Janu­ary 11 to 14 2021.

The event bene­fit form wide­spread media cov­er­age and is a strong oppor­tun­ity for net­work­ing.

Categories: eventnews