The DECENTER’s next face-to-face pro­ject meet­ing is planned from Octo­ber 10–12, 2018, at the EL Tower in Seoul, Korea. The meet­ing will be co-loc­ated with the 3rd Korea-EU Joint Calls Con­fer­ence 2018. At the event we shall net­work with rep­res­ent­at­ives of European and Korean SMEs, large organ­isa­tions, cit­ies, com­munit­ies, research and aca­dem­ic organ­isa­tions.

Our coordin­at­or Dr. Domen­ico Siracusa is expec­ted to present the pro­ject to a lar­ger audi­ence includ­ing their excel­len­cies the Ambas­sad­ors of the European Uni­on and the French Repub­lic, the Dir­ect­or Gen­er­al of Office of Inform­a­tion and Com­mu­nic­a­tions Tech­no­lo­gies Policy of the Repub­lic of Korea and oth­er dis­tin­guished attendees.

Categories: meeting