The DECENTER pro­ject offi­cially star­ted on 2 July 2018. Fol­low­ing a month of intens­ive pre­par­a­tions, a kick-off meet­ing was held at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, Italy. Our coordin­at­or Dr. Domen­ico Siracusa warmly wel­comed rep­res­ent­at­ives from all the part­ners from Europe and Korea.

The pro­ject meet­ing was con­cise and decis­ive. All work pack­ages were dis­cussed and all part­ners presen­ted their ideas on how to approach the pro­ject object­ives. Lengthy dis­cus­sions were held about the prop­er­ties of the smart applic­a­tions and envir­on­ments that the indus­tri­al part­ners intend to devel­op. Anoth­er focused dis­cus­sion was held on our ini­tial approach to the DECENTER’s archi­tec­ture, which involves com­plex phys­ic­al and soft­ware arti­facts includ­ing Inter­net of Things, Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence algorithms and meth­ods, Edge, Fog and Cloud tech­no­lo­gies, Smart Con­tracts and Block­chain. Indeed, it is very chal­len­ging and excit­ing to be part of this pro­ject!

Please make note of our Web site and sub­scribe to our news! We intend to be present at vari­ous dis­sem­in­a­tion and exploit­a­tion events in many coun­tries. We are very friendly and we would like to keep in touch with indi­vidu­als, com­pan­ies and oth­er stake­hold­ers World wide!

We hereby post a photo from our August 1–2, 2018 meet­ing in Trento, where we kick-star­ted the DECENTER pro­ject.

Team mem­bers present at the kick-off meet­ing in Trento

All the best from us until our next news!