The third plen­ary meet­ing of the DECENTER pro­ject is organ­ised by ATOS in the town of Santa Cruz on the beau­ti­ful island of Ten­erife.

The pro­ject part­ners intend to spend three days from 22–24 Janu­ary 2019 in dis­cus­sions and detailed plan­ning of pro­ject tasks. Major items on the agenda include the busi­ness plans for the expec­ted pro­ject out­comes, ana­lys­is of the com­mon require­ments as detailed in the use cases doc­u­ment, fine tun­ing the orches­tra­tion cap­ab­il­ity, the selec­tion, design and imple­ment­a­tion of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence algorithms, tech­no­lo­gies for cross-bor­der data shar­ing, the applic­a­tions present­a­tion lay­er, and oth­er import­ant tech­no­logy related aspects.


More news soon, stay tuned!

[Update: photo from 23 Janu­ary]

Categories: meetingnews