We are happy to con­firm our par­ti­cip­a­tion to the pan­el dis­cus­sion at the “AI and edge com­put­ing: chal­lenges, needs and future trends” organ­ised by the AI-Sprint pro­ject on the 30th of March from 10:00 to 11:00 CEST.

The pan­el dis­cus­sion brings togeth­er mem­bers of the AI-SPRINT Alli­ance and pro­ject experts for a deep-dive into the chal­lenges, needs and future trends of AI and edge com­put­ing from vari­ous view­points. Par­ti­cipants will also get a chance to learn about the Alli­ance designed for small SW houses and EU cloud pro­viders to sup­port the AI and edge com­put­ing eco­sys­tem while the inter­act­ive polls will cap­ture view­points from the audi­ence.

Moreover, the ini­tial part of the webin­ar will zoom in on how AI-SPRINT is driv­ing innov­a­tions in AI and edge com­put­ing as a research and innov­a­tion action under Europe’s Hori­zon 2020 pro­gramme. Light­ning talks from key part­ners will give examples of new AI applic­a­tions in edge and cloud envir­on­ments, top chal­lenges that need addresses and real-world scen­ari­os aimed at prov­ing com­pet­it­ive edge and rep­lic­ab­il­ity.

Read more and register to the event https://lnkd.in/ep9azES