IoT Platform: THING+

Dali­works provides to the DECENTER pro­ject it’s IoT plat­form, Thing+, in sup­port of UC4 mainly (though the plat­form can be used by any UC), as well as tech­nic­al sup­port and devel­op­ment along­side. The res­ults gained by com­bin­ing the innov­at­ive fea­tures of DECENTER with the Thing+ IoT plat­form will allow Dali­works to determ­ine the feas­ib­il­ity of deploy­ing their plat­form along­side a Decent­ral­ized sys­tem. As well, the use of AI in the IoT industry is import­ant, and exper­i­ences with the inter­con­nec­tion of Thing+ with the AI-related sys­tems of DECENTER will allow Dali­works great insight into the effect­ive­ness of this tech­no­logy in the real world.


Part­ner: Dali­works